21 September - 22 September, 2024
with Anutosha (Patricia Menetrey)
220 EUR for workshop and from 120 EUR for full board
Information and bookings : leela@oshofrance.com, tel :+33 (0)780 305 305
An ode to joy, love and freedom. A true moment of sharing between women. Meditating, dancing, existing, laughing, for a new awareness of what makes us strong and powerful.
To celebrate the passage of the autumn equinox, here are two days of explorations of our fundamental desires to transform our daily lives, in an overflow of pure creativity.
In a timeless interlude, this course is an opportunity to take the time to:
- To look at our dark and light sides with a view to building a solid foundation on which to establish our identity as an accomplished woman
- Become aware of certain obstacles to our full realisation (in particular, our emotional memories buried deep in our personal history)
- Share the joy of our existence so that we can live our sacred femininity to its full potential
A few glimpsesof the workshop’s programme :
- Experience Osho’s active meditations and other meditations to the sound of Tibetan bowls
- Creative workshops to revisit and explore certain archetypes and fundamental myths
- Making a small shrine to create a link and strengthen our connection to the sacred, as well as a personal symbol to take away with us, so that the ancestral knowledge and wisdom of which women have always been the repositories can be resurrected from oblivion
- Reconnect with feminine intuition with the help of beautiful oracles
- Sharing the experiences of the group
- Many other surprises…
All this in a moment to moment celebration.
Full programme on request – please write to anutosha8@gmail.com
Venue for the workshop :
OSHO Centre de Méditation; Lieu dit La Rochelle, Foix, Occitanie, 09000 France
Date and timings:
FRom Saturday 21st September at 9 am to Sunday 22 September at 5 pm. It’s possible to arrive on Friday to enjoy a first evening together.
Cost of the workshop:
220 EUR
Accommodation and board:
120 EUR (Saturday to Sunday) : one night’s accommodation in a shared room and all meals from Saturday breakfast to Sunday lunch, including breaks
150 EUR (Friday ro Sunday) : two nights’ accommodation in a shared room and all meals from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch, including tea and fruit breaks
100 EUR -all meals from Friday evening to Sunday lunchtime, including service charges
Contact :
Information about the workshop: Anutosha at +33 6 98 35 82 25or by mail anutosha8@gmail.com
Booking the workshop and accommodation: Leela at +33 7 80 30 53 05 or by mail leela@oshofrance.com
Who is Patricia Menetrey (Anutosha)?
Anutosha (Patricia Menetrey) has been practising and teaching meditation for over 42 years. She chose the spiritual path very early on, which led her to live for over seven years in India, in Pune, where she was trained to teach meditation to Westerners – twelve years in all in Osho’s communes around the world.Sophrologist and Reiki master, she also teaches the sacred practice of Tibetan bowls. Anutosha has been taking part in the Festival du Féminin adventure and other spirituality festivals since 2012. She offers meditation courses, some of which are devoted exclusively to women. Her powerful, effective and transformative methods have already helped hundreds of people to rediscover their full sovereignty and to reactivate their forgotten potential, generating new creativity of unsuspected power.