by leela | Jun 9, 2024
“Become a child again and you will be creative. All children are creative. Creativity needs freedom – freedom from the mind, freedom from knowledge, freedom from prejudices. A creative person is one who can try the new. A creative person is not a robopath....
by leela | May 16, 2024
This interview was taken by Leela at OSHO International Meditation Resort, Pune, India, at the end of January 2024 Leela: You have been facilitating the Osho Born Again process for many years – here at the Meditation Resort in Pune, and all over the world. Please tell...
by leela | Feb 17, 2024
Garimo is a facilitator and trainer for OSHO Reminding Yourself of the Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind. She is trained in hypnosis and is a long-time meditator, with a deep understanding of this process. Garimo was also closely involved with the...
by leela | Dec 14, 2023
I’m going to try to describe the journey I experienced during this active meditation created by Osho. It’s a dance, a movement inspired by the practices of the Sufis, graceful and light, the meditation releases a powerful field of energy. It starts with...
by leela | Nov 29, 2023
In his discourse on the development of attention for Vipassana, Buddha constantly repeats these instructions: “Patiently observe the phenomenon of appearance. Patiently observe the phenomenon of disappearance. Patiently observe the phenomenon of appearance and...
by leela | Nov 6, 2023
Let’s be honest: Dynamic Meditation is hardcore. It is an intense process and it requires commitment. However, it is very natural and easy-going once you master the technique. Yes, it may take a little while to familiarise yourself with it, but once you get it, you...
by leela | Apr 1, 2023
How did your love affair with the Movements start? Back in 1989 Osho asked me to watch the last ten minutes of the movie “Meetings with Remarkable Men” (by Peter Brook and Mme Jeanne De Salzmann) and find the keys hidden behind the Gurdjieff Movements. Little did I...
by leela | Mar 17, 2023
Osho Vipassana retreats combine traditional Vipassana meditation with Osho’s active meditations. These retreats are specifically designed for the modern man and woman, adapted to our hectic lifestyles where we are so often emotionally absent. Living in dreams...
by leela | Feb 21, 2023
by leela | Jan 30, 2023
Creativity never follows any pattern – it comes out of chaos. Unless a person is ready to be chaotic, he cannot be creative. That’s why many people cannot be creative because they cannot gather courage to allow chaos in their being. They go on controlling...