Creativity is our Nature – meditation moments

Creativity is our Nature - meditation moments

15 June - 16 June, 2024

with Nisargan

140 EUR for two days or 80 EUR for one day.

Information and Booking :, tel :+33 (0)780 305 305

This is an invitation to relax and recharge your batteries in a different way, with ease, using meditation techniques and expressing the creative flow that is woken up – poetry, singing, painting, dancing… This meditation weekend will be conducted in English with French translation.

An approximate programme of the day :


~ Welcome from 9:30 am

~ 10:00 am 13 pm Creativity session and meditation

~ 1pm to 2:30 pm Shared vegetarian Lunch

~ 2:30 pm to 6 pm Creativity session and meditation


~ Welcome from 9:30 am

~ 10 am to 1 pm Creativity session and meditation

~ 1 pm  to 2:30 Shared vegetarian Lunch

~ 2:30 pm Creativity session

~ 17:30 pm Sharing and Farewell


Nisargan, an artist painter and a long time meditator originnally from Odessa, Ukraine, will facilitate this meditation weekend and will give support for the spontanious art sessions. He has been sharing his love for art and meditation for over 40 years with people in the former Soviet republics, Pune in India, Brasil, UK and since 2020, in France. Nisargan teaches Osho active  meditations and meditative therapies as well as training facilitators in these powerful techniques.

Lightness, humor, totality and spontaneity accompany Nisargan’s workshops and sessions.


A big thank you and a few words to say how much I enjoyed the workshop.  The whole weekend was a completely enriching experience with a lovely balance of meditation and artwork.  Even though it seemed I was working on only one piece I came home with three paintings of my own plus the “collective” piece.The venue was superb with great food and the group was wonderful company with a nice bond developing between us all. Thank you once again for your attention to me and my painting which was imbedded with your heart and caring.  I felt truly looked after.” David, Aude, France

A soft misty evening in my village here reminds me of my beautiful weekend with you. How much I enjoyed every minute of it…
I am so grateful remembering our connection and the precious gifts you’ve offered me. Thank you sooo much.” Wanny, UK

When: Saturday 15 June from 9:30 am to 6 pm and Sunday 16 June from 9:30 am to 6 pm
Where: OSHO Meditation Centre in Foix, Ariège, France
How Much: 2 days (Saturday and Sunday ) 140 EUR – includes workshop fees, painting materials or 80 EUR for one day only (Saturday or Sunday)
For whom: Perfect for beginners and confirmed meditators
Contact : Leela on +33 7 80 30 53 05 or by email on