Interview with Amiyo Devienne – Gurdjieff mouvements teacher

Interview with Amiyo Devienne – Gurdjieff mouvements teacher

How did your love affair with the Movements start? Back in 1989 Osho asked me to watch the last ten minutes of the movie “Meetings with Remarkable Men” (by Peter Brook and Mme Jeanne De Salzmann) and find the keys hidden behind the Gurdjieff Movements. Little did I...
OSHO Vipassana retreat in detail

OSHO Vipassana retreat in detail

Osho Vipassana retreats combine traditional Vipassana meditation with Osho’s active meditations. These retreats are specifically designed for the modern man and woman, adapted to our hectic lifestyles where we are so often emotionally absent. Living in dreams...


Creativity never follows any pattern – it comes out of chaos. Unless a person is ready to be chaotic, he cannot be creative. That’s why many people cannot be creative because they cannot gather courage to allow chaos in their being. They go on controlling...