OSHO meditation day

OSHO meditation day

15 October -

with Leela

30 EUR

Information et réservation : majivanleela@hotmail.com, tél :+33 (0)780 305 305

On this day we are going to enjoy 4 meditation techniques from Osho, a contemporary Master who developed a panoply of techniques and meditative therapies in order to help modern women and men to experience meditation.

The day will start at 10 am sharp. Please arrive by 9:30 to have time to get ready for the practice. Wear loose clothes. Bring a blanket or shawl and a meditation chair, if you have any.

The price for the day is 30 EUR. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share..

We shall finish by 17:30…

Beginners and confirmed meditators are welcome !