Awareness Intensive “Who Am I?” with Rakendra in French

Awareness Intensive "Who Am I?" with Rakendra in French

31 March - 3 April, 2022

with Rakendra Yves Legroux

420 EUR all inclusive

Leela au 07 80 30 53 05

The aim of the awareness intensive is to lead the participant, via the use of a single pointed instruction into directly experiencing themselves in the present moment. In an awareness intensive, riddle like questions such as ‘Who am I?‘, ‘What am I?‘ or this modern version: ‘Who is in?‘ are used.

When the sense of ‘I’ or ‘me’ is not there, when ‘you’ have disappeared, when subject and object have merged into one, when the sense of separation has disappeared – then there is only direct experiencing, also known as direct knowing or relaxed awareness.

The Schedule The schedule of the awareness intensive provides a supportive framework within which participants are able to put all other concerns aside and focus intensely on their quest. The days start early and finish late. Each day there are up to ten communication exercises; these are interwoven with other meditative activities such as active meditation, silent walks, working meditation, eating and resting. In this way, the day becomes 24-hour opportunity for self-awareness.

The Agreement All awareness intensives are fully residential and in silence retreats during which participants are dedicating all their energy into one unique direction: intending to directly experience their true nature. To support this intention and smooth the unfolding of the retreat as well as every one’s process participants are asked to observe a set of agreements. These agreements, the schedule and the communication technique are fully explained at the very beginning of the intensive, after which a confidentiality clause is asked of each, including the staff, to support opening and trust for each.

The Communication Technique The main element of the awareness intensive is a communication technique; a structured 40-minute communication exercise where participants work in pairs, one communicating, one listening; changing roles every 5 minutes. The repeated use of a single-pointed instruction during the communication dyads leads participants, by cutting through their non-essential layers, into directly experiencing their true nature, who or what they are in the moment. Simple and straightforward, yet often challenging in practice, this unique communication aspect of the awareness intensive is often a mental, physical and emotional challenge for the participants. Yet, it enables a true contact with oneself. This communication technique is carefully explained on the first evening of the intensive.

The active meditations Interwoven with the communication technique and other silent activities, these active meditations – mainly Dynamic, Mandala and Kundalini – help participants move more rapidly through physical and emotional barriers as well as to anchor themselves in a meditative space, in awareness. Within the awareness intensive, these active meditations also help create a balance between physical and non-physical activities.

Other silent activities Silence is a tremendous help and support to any inward journey. During the awareness intensive participants are asked to maintain silence at all time, except during the communication exercises (dyads). All activities: working, eating, walking, taking a shower and resting periods are done in silence and considered as meditation time supporting this inner search.

Talks & Interviews During the awareness intensive there are no ‘teachings’ about what the truth supposedly is, or discussions about what it might be. Yet a time is set daily for guidance on the technique and for supporting participants to move through the difficulties that may arise for them. A time for questions & answers is included in these talk time. It is also possible for each individual to have, at any time, the possibility of a personal interview with the facilitator. It can be a private time to clarify a situation or to get an answer on a specific aspect of the technique. It can be a time to sort out a difficulty that arises or to communicate an experience. More simply it can be a time for personal support and encouragement. Whatever the request, it will always be received and, as much as possible, satisfied.

WHEN: from 7 pm on Thursday 31 March to 4 pm on Sunday 3 April

WHERE: Centre OSHO, Lieu dit La Rochelle, 09000 FOIX

PRICE : 420 EUR  all inclusive

WHAT TO BRING: a change of clothes for active meditations for 3 days, a blindfold, earplugs, outdoor shoes easy to put on (the meditation room is reached from outside), warm socks for the meditation room, a shawl or light blanket)

CONTACT: or call +33780305305