OSHO meditation day

OSHO meditation day

23 November -

with Nisargan and Leela

40 euros for the full day (or 30 euros for the morning only)

leela@oshofrance.com or call 0780305305

A meditation day in Foix, Ariège, an hour south of Toulouse, to recharge your batteries and reconnect with your inner joy ! It will be held in English with French translation
OSHO techniques are known to be effective in releasing tensions and pent-up emotions, so come to experience a day (or half day) of these revolutionary techniques.
Programme of the day:

From 9:30 am         Welcome with tea and fruit

10:00 am                OSHO Chakra Breathing – a technique using breath to bring awareness and vitality in our energetic centres of the body

11:30 am               OSHO Nadabrahma – a technique of Tibetan inspiration for harmonising our bodymind through humming

12:30 pm                  Vegetarian shared lunch (please bring something easy to share, with no meat or fish products, if possible)

14:15 pm                Intuitive painting with Nisargan – using brush and paint, enjoy watching what comes out of your hands on canvas. Nisargan is an artist painter, la ongtime disciple of Osho, founder of the Institute of Spontanéous Art in Odessa

16:00 pm                 OSHO Kundalini – to release tiredness and tensions at the end of the day

17:15 pm               Closing Circle

WHERE WILL THE EVENT TAKE PLACE : in OSHO meditation centre in Foix, Lieu dit La Rochelle, 09000, Foix, Ariège, Occitanie

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST: 40 euros for the whole day or 30 euros for the morning up to lunch. COUPLES : 60 euros for both

WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE PRICE: the programme of sessions and meditations, refreshments, fruit, painting materials

WHAT SHOULD I BRING: comfortable, ample clothing, a shawl or blanket, vegetarian meal to share at lunchtime

I COME FROM FAR AWAY, COULD I STAY OVERNIGHT: yes, we are also a B&B and a small family run restaurant. You could book a room with prior notice.

CONTACT DETAILS: call Leela on 0780305305 or write at leela@oshofrance.com